Our Payment options

This is the list of our current available payment options.

Feel free to ask about alternative payment options you do not see published on this list.

Though we strive to make all possible attempts to meet your expectations, we however do not guarantee payment options that are not listed here. Thanks so much for your understanding as we strive to improve our range and level of services offered to our customers.

  • Bank transfer

For Bank transfer transactions we will provide you with our account information for processing your transaction upon confirmation of your order. Your transaction transfer number will be used for referencing your order and you may also send us a clear picture of your transaction receipt. Please note, payment will need to clear into our account before your order can be shipped.

  • Cash on delivery (COD)

We only accept cash on delivery for orders within the geographic area of our local storefronts. You will be able to pick up your order at our storefront and make payments same time. We do not ship orders that are using a Cash on delivery payment method.